2017 October Mag.
WEBSITE: www.KayTOliver.com
Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver is the author of Winter’s Love a real life story about how two people found love after each experienced a devastating loss. In the prologue of the book she stated, “People say that when you want to write about something that has great meaning for you that you should write from the heart. That is, just start writing and let your thoughts flow through your fingers.” Well, that is what I attempted to do. I wrote from my heart about the most significant thing that happened to me in the winter of my life.
I won’t set a stage for you by giving the time or place, simply an accounting of what now seems to be the hand of God on the lives of two people who accepted their fate to live the rest of their lives alone although content and busy with their families, friends and social organizations.
I felt that I was destined to write this book, and I did for a number of reasons. I wrote it for those who doubt that “it” can happen for them, and who continually fall prey to the negative chorus: It’s too late for me; I will never find someone to love me; Why am I looking for the perfect person who does not exist? I will settle for what is in my life now...in other words, as Luther Vandross sang, “Love the one you’re with.” I believe that we just need to open our eyes and look around. Better yet, we should look at ourselves and see the beauty that God created; a unique gift that some wonderful person is waiting for.
I wanted women to know that love, real love, is possible at any age. It’s never too late for love. If you put away your pretentious list of qualities he must have and focus on the qualities you have, then you will attract the man who will love you unconditionally.
I wrote the book in humorous vignettes to demonstrate how hilarious the dating scene is when you settle. I believe that we must never settle. Instead, I encourage women to discover who they are and move forward with their lives, unapologetically.
I wrote the book to identify serious issues in relationships like, children, sex, finances and property that require time and lots of conversation to clarify what is important to each person. And finally, something I have not shared often, I wrote Winter’s Love to debunk the stereotypes often communicated by the media and showcase the love that African Americans have for each other.
About Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver
Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is married to Walter Oliver and resides in Phoenix, Arizona. She has served as Executive Director for Professional Development for Detroit Public Schools; Associate Superintendent for Philadelphia Public Schools; and Associate Professor in the College of Education at Temple University in Philadelphia. She has served as president of The Phoenix Chapter of The Links, Incorporated and The George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center Board of Directors in Phoenix. She was honored to serve as Vice President of the Board for Research for Better Schools. Kay has also been an advisory member for “The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice” presented by Mort Crim Communications and Stanford University, an advisory member of the external Coordinating Council for Michigan State University’s Teachers for a New Era Program and the National Advisory Board for the College of Education. She is a founding member of Coaching for Results affiliated with Learning Forward, formerly the National Staff Development Council. She is a Golden Life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; a Lifetime Member of the NAACP and Chairperson of the H. LeBaron Taylor Scholarship allocated through the Boule Foundation of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Kay and her husband are philanthropists and give generously to public and private initiatives. To learn more about Kay visit www.KayTOliver.com
Winter’s Love is a best seller on Amazon with a five out of five star rating. Kay is busy attending Salons (her term for book signings) around the country and is thrilled that her book intended to appeal to women over the age of 50, is now attracting women under 40.
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